Thursday, May 18, 2006


近來我們都忙於新歌的製作, 其實早在個多前已經開始了一些錄音測試, 因為多添了些新的錄音咪來收錄鼓擊部分, 測試也用上一段時間, 效果倘算滿意, 但相信仍有很多改善的空間.

其實關於新歌以至到新專輯的進度, 很大程度關係到亞威身上, 如鼓擊部分順利及滿意的話, 其他部分便可以開始, 相反的話便要等待一個大家也滿意的版本了.




Tuesday, May 02, 2006

the Pliable@Underground 25 (Part II)

Here is "the pliable" review at Underground on 21/4/06

There's about 80 punters in the crowd as The Pliable take the stage, and another video crew is present, filming a short documentary. ATV don't seem so interested anymore. Wonder, which rock-doc will burst first into the public arena? The Pliable's opening songs are sorta mid-80's Bowie meets Franz Ferdinand choppy chunka chunka bass/drum rhythms. Hints of Ennio Morricone ("Good, Bad, Ugly" s/t) in there among the echoing guitars. They sing with more verve than MSP and surprise me with a drastic mid-set change of pace. The 2nd guitarist goes for a pee and the other three promptly turn into The Who (well, except for kicking over the drums, breaking the screen, microphone twirling and fisticuffs). Black Sabbath power-chords aplenty, some reverberatory guitar like Terry Bickers from The House of Love and the loud/soft/loud dynamic of classic grunge. The drummer rocks. Two ladies, Linda and Solange, who are sitting with me,are loving it enough to earn themselves a mention in the story.
Nick Lovatt

The Pliable's performance at Underground 25 are on the U25 page:

The Pliable Underground band page here:
